Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hallo, I'm Frieda

and I live in Sydney. I'm 90 years old and I do a lot of craft work - spinning, knitting, crocheting. Last year I started work on a craft book called Waste Not, Want Not. It has to do with how you can use all the bits and pieces and make something pretty and practical out of them.

I made my first book with my friend, Mollie, back in 1989. It's out of print now, but you can get it in the library. My daughter, who's helping me with this blog, found a copy on EBay.

Last month I lost my sight and was at the end of my wits. Today, I was listening to Radio National and heard all about Olive.

Why don't you blog your book? my daughter said. How am I going to do that? I asked.

Well, this is the story of how. It's my story, but my daughter will do all the technical work and I'll be the creative one. I've got lots of ideas and stories I'd like to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Frieda, wow you are a super lady blogging at 90! All the power to you. I have been selling vintage patterns on ebay for 8 years and I know for sure that people LOVE all of the old patterns, techniques and wisdom.
Cheers, Julia.