Saturday, July 4, 2009

Frieda has left us

Frieda passed away on 29 June 2009. She was 92. She will be missed. I'll be working on a book of her work and stories - this was her wish. Waste Not, Want Not.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Greetings from Mum Down Under

Things are slowing down a bit in Sydney, but Mum is still crocheting. She is now going to a home where she'll be cared for round the clock and where she can participate in a craft group. She thanks you all for having followed here work and assures you that one day she will do her book on Waste Not, Want Not. Until then, keep creating!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mum's latest creations from Sydney

Mum's been working hard and sent me some pix for the blog. These are the squares she'd been crocheting which are now assembled into a warm rug for the winter.

And here is the perfect garment for going to check the letterbox.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Patchwork silk

Years ago when Mum used to do dressmaking she'd make lots of wedding and evening dresses out of the finest of silks in all different colours. Even then she'd keep all the scraps. She's been going through some works in progress we'll finish one day - patchwork silk recto verso. They will make fine bedspreads like some she's already made and given away.

Keeping her feet warm

It's been a while since I've posted, but just to let you all know that Mum's keeping busy with material for the book. She's also keeping her feet warm with some non-handmade slippers that she might adapt.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Serendipity blanket

The serendipity blanket is halfway there, and Mum has done lots of new pieces for another in wool, which will be in darker tones.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mum's WIP and two finished pieces

After Mum recovered from all the spinning, she went back to her work in progress. More crochet, but using all the odds and ends of wool she could find.

And here are two pieces that she finished in the meantime. We just have to cut off the superfluous threads for her. I tell her to slow down, but she just smiles and says that I'll need it all for her book.