Sunday, September 2, 2007

Why plastic bags, Mum?

"My pet hate is seeing all those plastic bags flying around the countryside. The government and the public are always saying they want to do something about it, but I think plastic bags are here to stay because it's easy to take one and we're always being asked if we want a bag and we don't always have another bag with us when we go shopping. People forget, you know. Even if you just go to the baker for some sour dough rye you end up with a plastic bag.

"So I ask all my friends to give me their plastic bags and I get them in all colours and sizes. I cut them into 2cm strips and crochet colourful baskets. I also sorted some of the plastic bags by colour and cut them into 1cm strips and crocheted them together with colour coordinated yarn and wool for a more noble effect when I make handbags. Then I put in a lining that fits and the effect is quite remarkable."

I've put some of Mum's work up on Flickr and she's had some good feedback on her work. Here is a lovely handbag.

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